Sunday, September 14, 2008

This is what I call sleeping in

I guess I'm used to my 5am wake up call as 7:30 this morning was like sleeping in! I spoke too soon, thought I was doing good w/ not being sick yet. 3 weeks into teaching and no problems. Until yesterday. Pretty sure one of my notorious sinus infections is here! Blah.

Love. It seems to be the word of the week. The Lord has brought my attention back to this all week. What does it mean to truly love? I am commanded to genuinely love others. And that doing good is not necessarily considered loving them. The often said at weddings 1 Corinthians 13 spells it out. I have alot of work to do. Im focusing on all the qualities, not just the few. Also, to be fully loved and to fully love. To love all of people. And to let ppl love all of me. Rather than hiding the parts I think they might not love.

YAY for fall! I love the cooler weather. We had our first chilly morning on the bike last Saturday. We drove 369 miles through East Texas. It was beautiful. And the smell. Wonderful. Here's a good picture of the bike.I think I'll cook breakfast. Enjoy :)